Teaching & Learning

A Whole Child Approach

At our school we provide our students with a well rounded education. Students’ mental health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance. Our staff take great pride in supporting students through a variety of evidenced based approaches. The implementation of the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships and School Wide Positive Behaviour programs, combined with explicit teaching of strategies equip students to be resilient, considerate and happy learners. In 2023 we will see the introduction of the Visible Wellbeing program to continue strengthening our approach to provide our students with the best opportunities.

Student Leadership

Through our strong student leadership program we are empowering our students to stand up and have a voice, take pride in their school and live and breathe our values. We have many leadership roles including  Junior School Council, House Captains and School Captains. Each plays a significant role in representing their peers and the school.

Our Offerings

We proudly apply an Inquiry approach to spark our students curiosity in areas of history, economics, humanities, digital technology and more.

The teaching of English across the school maintains a strong focus on spelling, speaking and listening, reading, comprehension and  writing skills.

Mathematic concepts are explicitly taught with students’ interests in mind, ensuring their learning is purposeful and meaningful, resulting in our students enjoying every minute!

Specialist areas of visual arts, drama, music, science, Italian and library provide our students with ample variety and opportunity to grow and  flourish as well rounded learners.

Incursions and excursions help to enhance and excel our students’ learning and ensure they experience meaning and purpose in everything they do.

Our camping program has seen our students experience surfing, canoeing, bush walks, orienteering, ropes courses and so much more!

Class cooking allows our students to engage in growing, harvesting and using their own produce within their cooking skills. Students apply their knowledge of mathematics and English concepts to a ‘real life’ application.

Health and Physical Education at Hepburn Primary School sees our students actively involved in explicit teaching of motor skills, health awareness and an opportunity to be involved in a range of sporting opportunities. We are active participants in the Wathaurung Sporting Association which allows students to engage and compete in athletics, tabloid sports, cross country and winter sports.

Community Engagement

The partnership between home and school is one that is crucial in any child’s education. At our school every opportunity is taken to provide smooth consistent communication between school and home. Our active community comes together at any opportunity to celebrate our  wonderful students. Assemblies are student led and filled with our students celebrating their learning.

Our Students Say…