Welcome to Hepburn Primary School

Communicating the excitement and positivity of primary education, emphasizing the importance of growth, exploration, and building important life skills and relationships.

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Information Booklet

Read through our School information flyer for 2023 here.

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Meet Hepburn Primary School's principal, teachers & staff.


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Our Difference

At our school we provide our students with a well rounded education. Student’s mental health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance. We pride ourselves in providing a welcoming environment where our students can learn and thrive.



Our staff take great pride in supporting students through a variety of evidenced-based approaches. The implementation of the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships program, School Wide Positive Behaviour and explicit teaching of strategies to equip students to be resilient, considerate and happy learners. In 2023 we will see the introduction of the Visible Wellbeing to continue strengthening our approach to providing our students with the best opportunities.

We proudly apply an Inquiry approach to spark our students curiosity in areas of history, economics, humanities, digital technology and more.

The teaching of English across the school maintains a strong focus on spelling, speaking and listening, reading, comprehension and writing skills.

Mathematical concepts are explicitly taught with students’ interests in mind, ensuring their learning is purposeful and meaningful, resulting in our students enjoying every minute!

Specialist areas of visual arts, drama, music, science, Italian and library provide our students with ample variety and opportunity to grow and  flourish as well rounded learners.

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